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Ben Barek’s waiting for you!

Málaga CF’s adviser can’t wait to see the fans again. But míster, there’s still a month to go!

We’re delighted about the news of the Malaguistas' return to La Rosaleda. Although the details of the return are still not yet known, as the Junta de Andalucía and LaLiga need to set out the guidelines to follow, the reunion is getting closer and closer.

In the Martiricos offices there’s been a total revolution. The staff are already outlining the details of the return to normality and are trying to ensure that everything is ready on time.

One of them, our cleaner Coqui, met up with adviser Abdallah Ben Barek in the Palco de Honor. Surprised, she asked him what he was doing there.

With great wisdom, he replied: "He who gets up early, God helps." Yes, there’s still more than a month to go before we see you again at La Rosaleda, but Benba is already waiting for you. 

Giving Our All!