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A white shark called ‘Leschuk’ has been spotted in Nerja

A 19’1-metre long shark has been sighted off the coast of the Málaga municipality and has been named after the Blue and White striker due to his extraordinary ability.

A ‘Great White’ was discovered off the coast of Nerja on Friday. The shark, which was spotted by fishermen near the coast, has already been analysed by a group of marine biologists who visited the area.

“This shark is undoubtedly a unique specimen. He has incredible intelligence. We’ve analysed his movements, and he always repeats the same pattern: he pushes all the globefish and sea urchins he comes across with his nose and introduces them to a small nearby cave. We’ve already counted six”, said the head of the investigation.

According to its morphology, the shark could be a ‘Megalodon’, although this is currently only a hypothesis. “We can’t determine if it is or isn’t this species as it is extinct. Other colleagues tell us it could be the ‘Argentine Great White Shark’ discovered in 1991”, affirmed the scientist.