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Tribute to Ben Barek on the anniversary of Peña Alameda

The Club adviser received great affection from the Malaguistas on the 8th anniversary of the ‘peña’, accompanied by his family and the inseparable Antonio Benítez and Francisco Martín Aguilar.

Abdullah Ben Barek is a symbol of Malaguismo. The former player and coach of our team awakens the sympathy of fans wherever he goes. Today he received a well-deserved tribute on the 8th anniversary of the Peña Malaguista de Alameda.

The fans, family of Ben Barek and the other two Club advisers, Antonio Benítez and Francisco Martín Aguilar, prepared a surprise with a video and photos of the career of the man born in Morocco but adopted by Málaga, following a lifetime in our city.

Ben Barek thanked the president of the ‘peña’, Francisco Martínez Linares, and the 200 people present. Amongst them were the mayor of the municipality, Juan Lorenzo, a lovely touch by the Blue and Whites followers. Of course, there was representation from other ‘peñas’ in the province such as Mollina, Ronda, Archidona, Antequera and Los Lunes, with the president of the Federación de Peñas, Miguel Molina and president of the Málaga Forever, Ernesto Terrón.