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MCF and Coca-Cola, a sustainable relationship full of spark

The Club and Coca-Cola European Partners have signed an agreement to extend their contractual relationship for another campaign.

The union between Málaga CF and Coca-Cola is as long as it is fruitful. Although the origin of the universal brand is American, its roots with our city come from far away; and despite red being its corporate colour, the brand has blue and white as part of its hallmark on the Costa del Sol.

Its annual calendar, a fixture in the bars and restaurants in the capital and throughout the province, is one of the classic elements that reflect this unity, but it’s not the only one. Recently, they joined forced with Ecoembes, por un #FútbolConBuenAmbiente. Within this environmental campaign, this 19/20 season saw a number of recycling containers placed at La Rosaleda, converting the Blue and White stadium into a benchmark for promoting sustainability and recycling.

Within this contractual extension, Málaga CF and Coca-Cola European Partners will continue to unite their ingredients to a formula that has been working well for many years.

Until 2020, with a vocation of continuity, Coca-Cola and MCF will continue to understand one another with just one look… the spark of life!