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Press conference

Juande: “It was very easy to convince me”

The new coach is presented at La Rosaleda, accompanied by President, Sheikh Al Thani and sports director, Francesc Arnau. “I have some lasting memories of Málaga, and the project is very interesting to me.”

Return to Málaga

“When you’ve been in a city like Málaga, it’s difficult to forget your experience.  Last time, the situation was different.  The reason for coming back is because I have some lasting memories, and the project is very interesting to me.  I therefore decided to accept this great project, which I hope the Malaguistas and everyone in Málaga will enjoy.” 

MCF project

“The approach to the project is medium to long-term, and growing as much as the situation allows within the Professional Football League.  The objectives will mark the team’s training.  Every year you must continue to grow, and working side by side I’m certain we’ll achieve important things.”

Personal and professional situation

“From a personal aspect, I’m very attached to Málaga.  I’m been here frequently, I know the area, have many friends and a great relationship with people at the Club, so it was very easy to convince me.  Professionally speaking, I have talked to those in charge at the Club, they want to achieve important goals, and within the short to medium-term, we will improve a great deal.  And we want to compete with the greats.  They are extremely ambitious within this Club, and that is really the reason for coming to Málaga.”

Solid Club

“There’s a very solid sporting structure.  They know what the Club wants and needs, and everything is planned.  My knowledge of the squad is profound.  With regards to the signings, departures and everything else, we must speak with the sports director.  They are decisions we’ll make together.”

Experienced coach

“Anything learned from other countries enriches you.  I’ve seen other types of work and different training methods.  I can assure you that how we work in Spain, cannot be found anywhere else.  The Spanish product is highly valued, sought after and well prepared.  We’re finalising the profiling of the coaching team, and we’re pleased with the people we’ve contacted.”

Youth ranks

“The Malaguista youth ranks, in particular, have very good raw talent.  We’re going to try and make the most of the young players, and see which ones could help the team.  Home grown players have heart and bring a certain spark, but this must be earned.”

Style and performance

“The most important thing with the raw talent we have, is to make the most of their performance.  Until we know the characteristics and virtues of the players, I don’t know exactly what style of play we’ll implement.  Pre-season training is exclusively for this, to choose how to play and get maximum performance.”


“The fans deliver, and we must do everything possible to make them happy.  We’ll give maximum effort, so when they’re out on the street, they’ll enjoy saying that they’re Malaguistas”.