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Press conference

Rubén Castro: “We’re alive and will remain in the fight”

The Malaguista striker, as of today the top scorer in the history of the Second Division, appeared in the mixed zone after scoring the three points at the Anxo Carro. “The fans have come a long way to see us; thanks to the push they gave us, we got the vi

Rubén Castro, Málaga CF striker, spoke to MCFTV in the mixed zone at the Anxo Carro.

“It was what we wanted, we had to get the three points to stay alive,” he started out by saying. “With the help of our fans and with the attitude the team showed to really go for the game, everything went very well. Three more points, we are two away, we’re alive and will remain in the fight,” he said.

The number '24' scored his 10th goal of the season. He said of today’s goal in Lugo: “Every striker always wants to score a goal and today I was lucky enough to do it. I feel very comfortable playing alongside Pablo Chavarría. We've both been playing well for a week and scoring goals. Today we understood each other well, he gave me the perfect assist to score. The most important thing is that the team scores points.”

In addition, his goal that opened the scoring at the Anxo Carro was his 195th in the silver division, making him the all-time top scorer in Segunda. “I was so close to the record, and I finally did it. It happened today and I’m very happy, especially for the team's victory, which was so important. I recently said I had to score 15 goals, so now we’ll go for that challenge.”

Lastly, he talked about the Malaguista fans, who travelled the country to support the team and return to Málaga after the match: “It’s greatly appreciated that so many people have travelled a long way to come and see us, on such a rainy day. They know that with their help it makes things easier and today they once again supported us from beginning to the end. Thanks to the push they gave us, we got the victory.”