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Malaguismo gathers at Olin store in Fuengirola

Larrubia and Víctor participated in the signing event at the Blue and White sponsor's establishment on Avenida Los Boliches (27) in Fuengirola. Despite the rain, hundreds of fans attended this crowded event.

Malaguismo is wonderful. More than 300 Blue and White fans gathered yesterday at the Official Olin Store on Avenida Los Boliches, 27, to enjoy an afternoon of Malaguismo with Larrubia and Víctor.

At 18:30, the store doors opened, marking the start of countless photographs and autographs. T-shirts, scarves, balls, postcards... everything that Larrubia and Víctor signed became unique items that their owners will cherish for a lifetime.

Thank you for making it possible, Olin!