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A priceless captain’s armband

The illustrious Malagueño painter, José Luis Puche, an international benchmark in contemporary art, has designed the next armband that the Malaguista captain will wear during #MálagaHuesca.

Málaga is the birthplace of artists, the land where Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born. José Luis Puche is an icon of our city and over half the world has fallen in love with his art.

This famous artist is clearly a Malaguista. A season ticket holder, he goes to La Rosaleda whenever his busy schedule allows. If his professional obligations take him away from Málaga, he doesn't hesitate to connect when he can to follow the MCF matches live. Another crazy Malaguista!

The artist, in love with our colours, contacted the Club and - on his own initiative - decided to design the second captain’s armband dedicated to the fans. The artist has created an authentic masterpiece where the shield crowns the 'canvas' imposing itself on the flag of the city of Málaga -green and purple-. On the sides, the Blue and White colours feature with the faces of the fans in the background completing the scene. To the right of the shield, you can see the profile of Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo, the most devoted Christian dedication among the people of Málaga. All of Malaga in its essence framed in Puche’s daring and characteristic style.

The Blue and White captain who wears it on Monday will carry an invaluable work of art on his arm. This unique and marvellous piece will be signed by the players and raffled among the Loyal Malaguistas.

A work of art by a Malaguista for the Malaguistas. Thank you for your art, Puche. 
