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Santi Cazorla signs for five seasons

El centrocampista internacional Santi Cazorla se ha convertido en la décima incorporación del Málaga Club de Fútbol 2011/12 en la jornada de hoy, tras sellar su compromiso con el conjunto andaluz por las próximas cinco temporadas

Today international midfielder Santi Cazorla has become the tenth addition to Málaga Club de Fútbol 2011/12, after signing his contract with the Andalucian outfit for the next five seasons. Cazorla, who passed his medical at Málaga Club de Fútbol-Clínicas Rincon Medical Centre, will leave for Holland this afternoon, where he will meet his new companions at the malaguista training camp at Mierlo. The Asturian footballer will have a rescission clause of 45 million euros and will be presented next Monday 1st August in La Malagueta Plaza de Toros (bullfighting ring) at 21.00 hours.